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Reiki Therapy

Living in harmony

Reiki Treatments


Full Reiki Treatment


A full Reiki Treatment focuses the on head, back & front torso, legs and feet. You remain fully clothed while laying on a massage table. Treatments can be given seated if you are unable to lay comfortably on a massage table.


Please allow a minimum of 75 minutes.


Reiki does not replace traditional treatments or medicines


Below are a few testimonials from clients who have received Reiki from me. I am always grateful for each and every client who chooses to place their trust in me to provide a high quality, professional service.

If you have an experience you’d like to share, please let us know.


I fully recommend Kate as a Reiki Therapist. Sessions with her are deeply relaxing and I feel the benefits of it for quite a while afterwards.

A. O'Rielly

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